Have fun with your friends and Pardorán
We propose you a game while you taste our delicious drink. Read these questions in turns and answer them all. You will discover very interesting things about each other and points of connection that you didn't know before.
Something easy to start with
Which three people would you like to be on a desert island with?
Who would you like to have dinner with today that you don't know personally?
If you won the lottery, what would you do?
Which TV quiz show would you win easily?
Who would you like to have dinner with from the future that you don't know personally?
If you could have a superpower, which one would you choose?
Do you prefer day or night?
Would you prefer to travel to the future or to the past?
Have you ever seen or noticed a ghost?
Who would you like to have dinner with from the past that you don't know personally?
What is the most beautiful place you have ever seen?
What would you like to know about your future?
Have you ever had your letters read to you? And...?
You have a million euros to spend in 5 minutes on yourself. What would you do?
If you could become invisible for an hour, what would you like to do?
...we continue
Aliens, meteors, glaciation, zombies... How do you think the world will end?
If you could travel back in time, what era would you go to and why?
Do you think there are times to give advice even if you are not asked for it? Which ones?
Is there anything you are really looking forward to doing/having? What would it take?
What is your favorite slow song and why?
Knowing what you know now, how old would you like to look?
Do you have a buried talent? What do you need to unearth it?
What would you like to collect if you could?
What would your ideal week be like?
If you could talk to your 16-year-old self, what would you say?
Is there anything you've eaten that you would never try again?
What makes you change your mind?
If you were president, what would be your first decision?
How would you crash a wedding?
...and to go deeper
What's the dumbest thing you've ever done for love?
What's the dumbest thing they've ever done for you out of love?
What is the worst way to break up with someone?
What attracts you to the people you like?
Tell us someone you know who was born with a star. How about another star?
Under what circumstances would you disinherit your children?
What is the nicest compliment you have ever received?
What is one thing you would never forgive your partner for?
What three things do you appreciate most in a person?
Is there anything you have not yet forgiven someone for?
What do you look for first when you are introduced to a person?
What is the stone you trip over time and time again? What about your partner?
How do you realize that a relationship is not going to prosper? Do you get it right?